I had a whole different post already planned for this week, but you know those times when you feel like the Lord keeps tapping you on the shoulder waiting for you to FINALLY turn around and listen? No? Just me? Well I could not ignore what He was calling me to do and strongly urge you to tune in no matter what season you are in currently!
The last three weeks at our church, Auburn Community Church, my husband preached three different messages around the topic of marriage and YA'LL. It. was. STRONG. I know I'm biased, but seriously, EVERYONE needs to have a listen.
Are you single and content or desperately on the prowl? This is for you.
Are you casually dating or looking to get engaged? This is for you.
Are you happily married or just trying to stay together? This is for you.
Are you divorced or widowed and looking for peace? This is for you!
Still don't believe me? Here's a little recap from the first week:
If you're smart and want to hear more, you can find the three different sermons on the website (HERE) and take a listen. He starts with week one "Eye to Eye", moves on to "Sex is Good" (HEYO! Now I've got your attention!), and finishes out the series with "God's Plan". I personally feel like Miles did a great job meeting every person in the room where they were at and challenged us all with the following quote.
“Unstated intentions lead us in unclear directions causing unmet expectations.”
Are you single and ready to mingle? No matter your age, preparing for a STRONG marriage starts TODAY in the way you approach dating.
Are you married and barely holding on? First look to CHRIST to complete you and then COMMUNICATE with your spouse to prevent those dreaded unmet expectations.
Miles and I love marriage together and even though ours is FAR from perfect, it is FAR better when we focus our eyes on Christ at the center! We want the BEST for you and want to change the game. I hope you take the time to listen and find peace in your present season and pray for your future or current spouse today!
If you're in the Auburn/Opelika area looking for a church, we would love to see you at ACC!
Have a great week friends!