We're Pregnant!


Ah! Did you hear the news? We're having another baby! Anniston is going to be a big sister in December and we could not be more thrilled! It has been the most surreal feeling knowing we have another little one on the way. I honestly keep forgetting because Anniston keeps me pretty busy, so when I remember it's like finding out all over again! I am thirteen weeks today and I'd love to do a bump update soon, but first I have got to share a little backstory with you. The Lord is so good and already has His hands all over this little one's life and I cannot help but shout it from the rooftops! 

So story time...

It was mid March and Miles had started talking about how he was "ready" for another one. It was so out of the blue I was like "Another what? Another BABY?" I was shocked. I never thought he would be the first one to feel ready out of the two of us! I ran the timeline in my head and I clearly said "I am NOT". Ha! I adore Anniston and always knew I wanted more babies, but it just seemed so fast and so overwhelming! Honestly, I was scared. I shared this with Miles and he was great about it and said we wouldn't do anything until I was ready.

We ended the conversation with Miles praying for peace for me and clear direction from the Lord. You will not believe what happened next. There has only been one other time in my life when I felt like I heard the Lord audibly "speak" to me and that was when He told me we would plant a church in Auburn. But for the second time ever, I heard the Lord speak loud and clear. While Miles was praying I heard: 

You are capable because I am capable.

The minute Miles said "amen" I was like "you will not believe what just happened." We both just sat in awe for a moment and then Miles immediately wrote the promise down in his journal so we wouldn't forget. 

I knew I still didn't feel "ready", but I understood what the Lord had said exactly. No matter how scared I felt or overwhelming it seemed, He was reassuring me I could do it because HE was with me and HE could do it. No way I could argue with that! 

I was very clear with Miles on my next words when I explained "Okay we can stop preventing, but that does not mean we are TRYING... we will just leave it up to Him." Miles was just still in shock and was like "whatever you and the Lord say!" 

Miles and I were just talking about the craziness of it all when he asked, "So if we were to get pregnant right away" (I interjected immediately and said "but we won't") "when would the baby be due?" I did the math and explained it would be December. Miles laughed and explained how that would be really crazy because he already knew he was preaching a sermon series in December about God's promises and here was the Lord giving us a promise! I laughed and said NO that would be crazy because we would have two under two and I was NOT ready for that. 

Oh how the Lord is SO good and SO funny!

A month later I took a test just to "make sure I wasn't" and screamed and laughed and cried all at once when I saw that positive sign. In that one moment all my fear was wiped away and I was just in awe. We are beyond undeserving of these blessings, but I am beyond grateful. A BABY! A new life! Thank you, Jesus! The Lord clearly promised us this child and I know He has great things in store. I know we will fall short, but I pray we are the best parents possible and show Christ to this little one always. 

So here's to our family of FOUR and the best Holiday season already! We can't wait to meet you little babe! 
