Mom Guilt

Hi, my name is Courtney Fidell, and I have a problem. I struggle from time to time (read: multiple times a week) with bad cases of mom guilt. Whew. I said it. First step is admitting it, right? But seriously, this is something I have battled with the last 14 months and am no where near conquering, but I am putting forth an effort towards it!

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The Struggle

I'm sitting in a nail salon waiting to get a pedicure as I think through what to write this week. I am a pretty strong type-A personality so I have most of my topics (and life! ha!) planned out ahead of time and love to follow my schedule, but right now, I'm just not feeling it. I'm not supposed to be in a nail salon right now, but I'm not feeling my 5 mile run either so this is where I landed during "mommy time". Oops.

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What I'm Reading: Open Your Bible

Since it's the first Monday of the month I'm coming at ya with my March book review and this is one I could not recommend more! Seriously, zero complaints! This book is a She Reads Truth bible study titled, "Open Your Bible" by Raechel Myers and Amana Bible Williams (buy HERE). I L-O-V-E the She Reads Truth app (don't have it? GET IT!) so when I saw they had a bible study out on bookshelves I had to get it!

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I had a whole different post already planned for this week, but you know those times when you feel like the Lord keeps tapping you on the shoulder waiting for you to FINALLY turn around and listen? No? Just me? Well I could not ignore what He was calling me to do and strongly urge you to tune in no matter what season you are in currently!

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Courtney Fidell
If I can run, You can run

There are the obvious reasons to be healthy, feel better and look better. But I believe there is so much more to being physically healthy than just liking what you see in the mirror. I was listening to a podcast by Pastor Louie Giglio at Passion City Church in January or February of last year called "Don't Waste Your Health" (listen HERE!) and for the first time I felt really compelled to take care of my body for more than just vanity reasons. You may have been told your body is a temple from the Lord and that you should take care of it (and that is so true and you should!), but something he said really made sense to me for the first time. I don't remember how it was said exactly, but I remember Louie Giglio sharing how his doctor told him it was important that he take care of himself so that he can continue sharing the gospel with as many people as long as he can. (Side note - If you're looking for a church in Atlanta, GA then I strongly suggest you check out Passion City Church. They are truly sharing the gospel in a powerful way and so many people are coming to know Jesus through their church and through their conferences.)

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Anniston Kate, a Year in the Life

Today my little girl is 13 months old so I guess it's about time I get over the shock that she's ONE and actually accept she’s going to stick with this whole growing up thing! As I finally updated Anniston’s baby book and looked through her birthday party photos, I couldn’t help but reminisce on her first year of life! I’ve given you her birth story and her sappy birthday post (here and here), but today I’m keeping the tears away and just giving you an update on her day to day! Annnnnd maybe using this post as an excuse to share all of these photos from her party! I'm dying over the sweetness!

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